Min Wu, an associate professor of communication studies, earned her Ph.D. in communication from Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN) in 2011. Her research and teaching at LSU-Alexandria focus on the intersections of intercultural communication, health communication, and computer mediated communication. She has published papers in journals such as China Media Research and Asian Journal of Communication. As a communication educator, Dr. Wu enjoys teaching both online and in-person classes of communication. She also mentors students in honors projects and independent studies. Dr. Wu was the holder of LSUA’s Vinita Johnson Martin Endowed Professorship and is the faculty advisor of the LSUA chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association’s honor society for communication majors.
Adjunct Instructors
Feb 25, 2019, 23:46 PM
Name Prefix :
First Name :Min
Last Name :Wu
Name Suffix :Ph.D.
Office Phone :318-427-4439
Office Room :358
Job Title :Associate Professor of Communication Studies
Cell Phone :
LSUA Email Address :mwu@lsua.edu
Select Employee Type :
Min Wu, an associate professor of communication studies, earned her Ph.D. in communication from Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN) in 2011. Her research and teaching at LSU-Alexandria focus on the intersections of intercultural communication, health communication, and computer mediated communication. She has published papers in journals such as China Media Research and Asian Journal of Communication. As a communication educator, Dr. Wu enjoys teaching both online and in-person classes of communication. She also mentors students in honors projects and independent studies. Dr. Wu was the holder of LSUA’s Vinita Johnson Martin Endowed Professorship and is the faculty advisor of the LSUA chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association’s honor society for communication majors.
If you would like to know more about the English & Humanities department, please give us a call at (318) 473-6581 or drop by and see us in Mulder Hall 380.