LSU at Alexandria recognizes that under certain and quite rare circumstances, a student will be sufficiently close to earning a degree at the time of death that consideration by the faculty of a posthumous degree is warranted. The requirements for receiving a posthumous degree are presented below:
- The student must have been in good academic standing and must have met residency requirements for the degree.
- At the time of the student’s death, he or she must have been enrolled at LSUA and within 21 credit hours of completing a degree as well as having substantially met the requirements for the degree’s major.
- The recommendation for the award of such a degree must be made by the student’s major department and be subsequently approved by the appropriate departmental faculty and chair before consideration by the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs and the Chancellor.
- Under extraordinary circumstances short of death (e.g., a terminal illness documented by a student’s treating physician), the action described in this section may be considered. In such instances, the requirements outlined above apply.
- All recommendations will be considered by the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs and on his or her recommendation will be forwarded to the Chancellor who, in turn, will make an independent recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for final action.