A preferred name is a name that a student wishes to be known by within the University community that differs from their legal name. At LSUA, students may request to have their preferred first and middle names listed. Changes to a last name require a legal name change.
Your legal name is the name that appears on your driver’s license, birth certificate, and Social Security card.
The preferred name request is available to all LSUA students.
A preferred name may not be used for fraud or misrepresentation. The University reserves the right to refuse a preferred name request if it contains inappropriate or offensive language.
Students may request this service by completing the Preferred Name request form and
emailing the form to the Title IX office at titleixcoordinator@lsua.edu. The Title IX coordinator will contact you and schedule an interview with you. After a brief intake interview,
the coordinator will submit the request to the Registrar’s Office if approved.