LSUA News Articles

Chancellor's Welcome

Jun 26, 2019, 13:32 PM
Dr. Coreil's message to the campus and the community.

Good afternoon,


It is indeed an honor and privilege to serve as your new Chancellor at LSUA.  I began the week before my official start date which was June 1, 2019 and I am attempting to meet as many faculty, staff, and students as I can.  I also plan to continue meeting as many community, civic, and business leaders as possible, including all elected officials that represent us locally, on the state legislature, and on federal levels.  We need to keep them all abreast of our important mission and the extreme value we contribute to the future quality of life in the entire Central Louisiana region! Since I served as Interim Chancellor in 2013-2014, I am very familiar with the campus; however, there have been significant improvements made since I was here and many new people added that I hope to become much better acquainted with over the next few weeks and months.  

My wife, Arlene, and I are very excited about making our home here in Central Louisiana. We are currently building a house in Alexandria and plan to plant roots here for many years to come.  My only hope is that I can be accessible to everyone, available to listen to how you may think we can improve, able to hear what opportunities we may need to consider, and able to work in partnership with all of you to make LSUA the best university in the state of Louisiana.  I loved my previous experience here and look forward to many years of serving in any way that I can in order to seek and achieve excellence.  Please know that my door is always open and I am hoping to meet each and every one of you during the rest of the summer and into the fall semester when most of our students and faculty return to our beautiful campus.

Feel free to come by and visit when you are in the Abrams Hall area and/or let Laura or Chancey know if you would like to make an appointment to visit. Thanks to everyone for the extremely warm welcome that you all have extended to us.  I plan to meet and exceed the expectations that this outstanding institution and community deserve.


All the best,

Paul Coreil, Ph.D.
