First Session
To be announced!
HIP Seminars - General Descriptions
Lec. 1 - Lab 0 - Cr. 1
Through a combination of lecture and experiential learning, students will learn to raise important questions, assess information, make well-supported arguments, and draw thoughtful conclusions about broad and significant issues in the humanities (e.g., communication Studies, English, History, Philosophy, Religion, and languages.) Students who take the course will improve their communication skills through written and oral presentation, develop the ability to analyze and synthesize information logically, and increase their understanding of methods of inquiry in the humanities. A course may be repeated for a maximum of three hours of credit when topics change. Offered as needed.
Course Objectives
Investigate current and select topics and ideas.
Evaluate real life application of topic.
Practice critical and creative thinking in a reflective essay.
Demonstrate knowledge of current events and application related to the course topic.
Identify examples of multiculturalism and diversity related to the course topic.
Lec 1 - Lab 0 - Cr 1
Through a combination of lecture and experiential learning, students will learn how to find, analyze, and synthesize data on a significant topic in the natural sciences (e.g., Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science, Physics). Students who take the course will improve their communication skills through written and oral presentation and develop a basic understanding of the scientific method and its application. Course may be repeated for a maximum of three hours of credits when topics change. Offered as needed.
Course Objectives
Investigate current and select topics and ideas.
Evaluate real life application of topic.
Practice critical and creative thinking in a reflective essay.
Demonstrate knowledge of current events and application related to the course topic.
Identify examples of multiculturalism and diversity related to the course topic.
Lec 1 - Lab 0 - Cr 1
Through a combination of lecture and experiential learning, students will learn how to find, analyze, and synthesize data on a significant topic in the social sciences (e.g., Psychology, Social Work, Political Science, Business, Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Economics, Geography, International Studies, or Sociology). Students in the course will develop the ability to communicate through written or oral presentation, develop the ability to analyze and synthesize information logically, and increase their understanding of the methods of inquiry in the social sciences. Course may be repeated for a maximum of three hours of credit when topics change. Offered as needed.
Course Objectives
Investigate current and select topics and ideas.
Evaluate real life application of topic.
Practice critical and creative thinking in a reflective essay.
Demonstrate knowledge of current events and application related to the course topic.
Identify examples of multiculturalism and diversity related to the course topic.
Lec 1 - Lab 0 - Cr 1
Through a combination of lecture and experiential learning, students will learn how to raise important questions, assess information, make well-supported arguments, and draw thoughtful conclusions about broad and significant issues. The course will foster critical thinking skills and introduce students to basic modes of thinking that transcend the disciplines. Course may be repeated for a maximum of three hours of credit when topics change. Offered as needed.
Course Objectives
Investigate current and select topics and ideas.
Evaluate real life application of topic.
Practice critical and creative thinking in a reflective essay.
Demonstrate knowledge of current events and application related to the course topic.
Identify examples of multiculturalism and diversity related to the course topic.
HIPS Policy and Application Process
In order to enhance the academic experience and support a vibrant university community, CORE will offer one-credit academic seminars. These fun and engaging seminars will allow students to engage in various experiential learning activities.
- Each course must meet 7 times for no less than 75 minutes. In addition, each course must have an external event (field trip, service learning, interviews) to account for the additional required seat time.
- Each course will use a common syllabus to ensure the learning objectives are met.
- Any faculty or staff can apply to teach a HIP seminar. Applicants must identify which designation their course should receive based on which area they are certified to teach in. See course descriptions below.
- Each course will aim to have at least 8 students and will be capped at 12 students.
Application process
Applicants can apply to teach in the Fall or Spring semester for the academic year. Each application will be reviewed by a committee of 3 faculty members, 2 staff, and 6 current LSUA students. Applicant names will be removed prior to the committee members review. To apply, complete the following form:
Selection Criteria
Priority will be given to courses that represent each of the categories to help provide balanced offerings. The top scoring applications in each category will be selected. A score of 1-5 will be given to each of the following categories.
- Creativity/Novelty - This course provides content in a new and creative way.
- Engagement/Fun - This course engages students in a fun way that encourages active participation.
- Communication - This course encourages communication skill development through writing and/or presentations.
- Cultural Experiences - This course provides students an opportunity to experience a new perspective or culture through travel, interviews, presentations, books, or experiences.
- Interest - How likely would you be to sign up for this class?
After courses are selected, they will be given to the appropriate dean for final approval to ensure that the topic and professor is appropriate for the selected designation. Each topic can only be offered one time per academic year. Professors will be
notified of the selections. A stipend of $1000 will be paid for each term.