IET Services will always try to solve problems in the shortest time possible. The majority of requests will be answered in much less time than the maximum listed below. The following are the maximum time commitments and may vary depending on the nature of the request.
Priority | Classification | Description | Response Time | Resolution Time |
1 | Emergency | Wide-Spread (department, division, building, campus) outage of network, email, internet, Admin Software, etc. | 15 Minutes | Depends on Problem (As soon as feasibly possibly) |
2 | Urgent | Individual Outage of critical service, Wide-Spread degradation of Services,Critical Upgrade or Enhancement | 1 Hour | 8 Hours |
3 | Pressing | Individual degradation of service for critical application, Creation of New Accounts | 6 Hours | 32 Hours |
4 | Normal | General Requests, Individual outage/degradation of non-critical service/application, Problems that do not prohibit use of services in a normal matter, Information Request | 8 Hours | 120 Hours (5 Days) |
5 | Low | New PC Installations, Classified by user as low priority, Internal requests of a non-critical nature | 48 hours | 240 Hours (10 Days) |
10 | Short-Term Project | Project that can be completed in approximately one month | 48 Hours | |
11 | Long-Term Project | Project that can be completed in approximately six months | 72 Hours | |
12 | Extended Project | Project that can be completed in approximately one year | 72 Hours | |
Unless otherwise specified, or Help Desk staff determines that problem needs to be escalated, the default Priority for all tickets is 4 (Normal). |
If you feel that your request is not handled appropriately, please contact one of the following people:
Monday – Friday from 8:00AM until 4:30PM.