Fee Details

LSUA strives to offer affordable undergraduate-level education to the citizens of Central Louisiana. It should be noted, however, that the LSU Board of Supervisors may at any time adjust fees without advance warning to students. Students with inquiries about LSUA’s fees should call Accounting Services at (318) 473-6407 or visit Tuition & Fees. Special fees may be assessed depending on the number and type of courses taken and on the student’s admission status. A list of these fees is presented below:

Academic Excellence Fee

Students will be assessed an Academic Excellence Fee of $10 per credit hour for up to 12 credit hours per semester. Students who register for more than 12 credit hours will be charged no more than $120. This Fee is used to promote academic excellence by enhancing instructional programs.


Audit Fees

Students who enroll in courses for a combination of both “credit” and “audit” and students who enroll for “audit only” will pay the same fees as students who schedule courses for “credit only.”


Athletic Fee

Students will be assessed an athletic fee of $18.00 per credit hour for up to 12 credit hours per semester. Students who register for more than 12 credit hours will be charged no more than $216.00. This fee is restricted to support the athletic program.


Application Fee

Louisiana State University Alexandria charges a fee of $20 for processing applications. The $20 application fee is nonrefundable and is not applied to the total fees due.


Building Use Fee

Students will be assessed a building use fee of $4.00 per credit hour up to 12 credit hours per semester. Students who register for more than 12 credit hours will pay no more than $48. The proceeds of this fee will be used to construct, acquire, repair, maintain, operate, or improve the facilities and physical infrastructure of LSUA. 


Course Fee

A fee may be assessed for any course that incurs higher-than-average costs.


Credit Examination Fee

Student will be assessed $30 per credit examination. See the Testing Center website for additional fee information. This fee is non-refundable.


Diploma Fees

Associate and Bachelor degree diploma fee is $55.

Duplicate diploma fee is $20 (charged if student graduates in a semester subsequent to when the original diploma was ordered).

Replacement diploma fee is $20.

The fee is non-refundable.


Energy Surcharge

Students will be assessed an energy surcharge per credit hour. The amount of this fee will be determined each semester and will be assessed to all hours the student registers for. The energy surcharge fee is to help the University offset a portion of the increased cost of utilities.


Insufficient Funds Fee

An insufficient funds fee of $50 will be assessed when a payment offered by a student in satisfaction on obligation to the University is not honored by the bank from which it was drawn.


International Student Fee

International students will be assessed a one-time fee of $60 for International Student Status Compliance. This fee is non-refundable.


Late Payment Fee

Students who are not paid in full by the payment due date for the semester may be subject to a $75.00 late payment fee.


Late Registration Fee

A late registration fee of $35 will be assessed to all students who fail to register for classes during the open registration and wish to enroll during the late registration period. This fee is non-refundable.


Mandatory/Required Fees

Each semester students will be assessed non-refundable mandatory/required fees to support the following: student activities, student newspaper, parking and street maintenance, student government association, children's center, student center maintenance, student center renovation, student yearbook, and parking management.


Non-Resident Fee

A charge in addition to tuition and required fees is assessed to students who are classified as non-resident for fee assessment purposes.


Online Course Fee

Students enrolled in online classes will be assessed a fee of $50.00 per class. This fee is to pay for services used for identity verification for online exams, as well as other online resources. 


Operational Fee

Students will be assessed an operational fee of $4.50 per credit hour for up to 12 credit hours per semester. Students who register for more than 12 credit hours will pay no more than $54. This fee is used to cover mandated costs and to enhance instructional programs.


Registration Fee

A registration fee of $15 will be assessed for every semester in which a student enrolls for credit and/or audit courses. This fee is non-refundable.


Student Excellence Fee

Students will be assessed a student excellence fee of $18.00 per credit hour up to 12 credit hours per semester. Students who register for more than 12 credit hours will pay no more than $216. The proceeds of this fee will be used to enhance the student experience, specifically related to services that have direct student impact such as teaching, counseling, and supplemental instruction. 


Student Health Fee

Students will be assessed a student health fee of $3.00 per credit hour up to 12 credit hours per semester. Students who register for more than 12 credit hours will pay no more than $36. The proceeds of this fee will be used for the funding of student health center services. 


Technology Fee

Students will be assessed a technology fee of $5 per credit hour for up to 20 credit hours per semester. Students who register for more than 20 credit hours will be charged no more than $100. This fee is dedicated to the acquisition, installation, and maintenance of technology for student use.


Vehicle Registration Fee

A vehicle registration fee of $56 is charged to each student who is issued a parking decal and will be charged each semester for which the student is enrolled until the decal expires. This fee is non-refundable.