CTE banner
Attend a Conference banner

The CTE strongly promotes LSUA faculty attendance at teaching-centered conferences, and we send participants to several a year.  Not only will you learn about the latest innovations in teaching, but you'll also have the opportunity to connect with other faculty from all over the world and share ideas.  Please browse some of the conferences below to determine which you may like to attend.

Contact the CTE button

SOTL Color Logo 2021
McCann banner

To support the engagement of LSUA faculty in their professional development endeavors, the Mulder Center for Teaching Excellence through the support of the LSUA Foundation has established the McCann Teaching Enhancement Fund (TEF).

This fund was established to provide faculty with financial support to attend conferences or other professional development activities that will enhance their professional growth, teaching skills and strategies, and/or support the dissemination of their scholarship. 

Please click on the links to read the guidelines and to apply for a TEF.  

Review the Guidelines and Application

Click the links below to read the guidelines and to fill out an online application.


Apply for McCann Funds

Conference Funds Application