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Innovative Teaching Grant

Submissions are due March 1st, 2025. 

Description: The CTE is committed to support faculty and staff development in the use of innovative practices and for the pursuit of excellence in teaching on the LSUA campus.  As such, the CTE values proposals based on innovation, novelty of idea and future applicability. 

Amount Awarded: $1000 stipend and up to $4000 for materials/equipment with possibility of a one-year renewal.

Eligibility Requirements: Applications are considered for financial support from faculty, instructors or staff that teach a course/courses routinely. A project may have one to many participants involved in its planning and implementation. However, the amount rewarded remains the same.  

Uses: Equipment, travel, materials including consumables, literature, seminars and other applicable items that support innovation in the classroom or teaching laboratory.

Application Guidelines:
The proposal should be kept to a maximum of three pages.

Background Information 
Project Title, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Department, Courses Taught

Describe your project. Include purpose, supporting literature (if applicable), reach (students and/or community), and potential pitfalls/limitations. Be sure to include an innovation statement, methodology and your measure of effectiveness. 

Describe your plan to implement the project, including timelines and specific tasks or assignments.

Outline all of the estimated costs for the project and provide rationale/justification for the allocation of these costs.

Application Review
Please email proposals to cte@lsua.edu.  Recipients will be selected by the CTE advisory committee, which may include foundation representatives. Recipients will meet with the advisory committee at the end of the granting year to discuss progress and renewal. 

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Innovative Teaching Award

Submissions are due March 1st, 2025

Description: The Center for Teaching Excellence celebrates one faculty member each year who is impacting their students' educational endeavors in an innovative way in the classroom.  We are asking faculty to consider nominating a peer or themselves for this award.   

Amount Awarded: Cash prize of $500 and an individual plaque for general display.

Eligibility Requirements: All full-time faculty members are eligible for this award. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact cte@lsua.edu. We hope this provides a way to "celebrate" the excellent teaching which is happening on our campus.  

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